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Thursday, August 30, 2007

End of Summer Crazies

Not the end of the crazies, rather, the crazies that occur at the end of the summer.
You may have noticed I've missed a few days lately. I'm still here, and I plan to continue posting photos. I'll probably take a few photos this evening, which I'll get on here tonight or tomorrow. I've been meaning to post a little how to lighting technical tip that I discovered for myself the hard way. It has to do with using an umbrella bracket. Well, gotta get some stuff together and run it to the post office.

Stay tuned!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Nuked Green Tomatoes

Here are some green tomatoes. I lit them from below by shooting a flash through a sheet of tracing paper. I used a direct flash above and slightly off to the side for fill.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Man I've got a lot going on now. All summer it's been realtively chill, and now I've got a bunch of things going on at once. Not that I'm complaining. It's all pretty cool stuff, but one at a time would be nice. I do want to get back to updating this blog more often and maybe get a haircut. I'm already sporting my long haired hippie look! ;-) Well enough about me, what about you?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Desk Photo

Been kinda busy lately. I'm working on getting a portfolio together. It seems tougher now to find the time to shoot. Here's a shot of my desk. I like the green reflection of the watch. Guess what time I took this photo. No that's not PM.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tiny Bubbles

Morning OJ

I've been retouching some of my photos. I quite enjoy it. I don't think I'd want to be a retoucher, but as a part of another job, like photographer, or designer that'd be cool. Anyway, about the image, I didn't notice the refection in the bubbles until I looked at them in the computer.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Noisy Squirrel

I heard some strange noises outside my window. If you've never heard a squirrel yelling or barking, or singing or whatever you want to call it; it's very strange. It almost sounds like a pig. Anyway, here's the best one I got of this little guy.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Books and stuff

Nothin much to say here. I used the camera's little popup flash to shed a little light on this one.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Here's a lighthouse in Mystic Seaport, Mystic, CT. One thing I noticed about this lighthouse is that the light is actually a CFL! Maybe at night that's plenty bright enough. Or maybe the whole lighthouse is now just for show, and no longer needed. One thing I do know, is if they're using a CFL to save energy, they'd do better to light it when it's not in direct competition with the sun.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This is the flying streak of the ipod. I plan on doing some more stuff like this later.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Last Thing Food Sees

I didn't take this photo, but I took plenty of others yesterday, so this will stand in their stead. It's the last thing a veggie burger sees. :-O

Oh and David, not you Dave, the other one, the one that likes sparklers, I haven't forgot about you, if you're reading this. I don't think I'll have access to sparklers for a while, but I've got another idea that I plan on trying soon, hopefully within the next week or so.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Zombie Shoes

Here are my shoes heading towards "the light" under my bed. I'm starting to feel a bit like a zombie myself. It's all self inflicted. I've been seriously procrastinating working on my thesis. I have been getting some work done on it, but it's very slow. Almost done though... mostly.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Homage to Warhol

Here's a quick homage to Andy Warhol. Oh I think this is the 30,000th exposure on my camera.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Textured Line

Took a couple days off from shooting. It was weird after only maybe 2-3 days without picking up the camera, how different it felt. This photo is my leg, dramatically lit, making it somewhat abstract and a little dramatic.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Fine Art

I've missed a day or two of photos. While part of the reason is just laziness, another part is a little project I'm working on. I saw an article in The FSTOP for which the main image, the photographer explains, is a composite image of about 20 other photos. Composite images are nothing new. I've made loads of them, and seen even more. We've all seen them every time we look at a magazine ad (that's not to say every magazine ad photo is a composite, but I'd bet at least one in every magazine is). I was planning on creating a composite image with some images I'd shot and some images I had planned to shoot in the future. However, after having taken some landscape photos in NH on a recent vacation, and then having seen the excellent composite image I mentioned earlier, I thought "hey! why don't I just use these!" I believe I've posted almost all of the component images on this blog already.

I've been working for a while on the image, and I'd say I'm about done. I'll leave you in suspense though, as I want to keep looking at it for a while—spend some quality time alone with it. I'll post it eventually and have a fairly detailed writeup about it. I'm thinking of printing it and entering it into a local art show. I almost never print any of my photos. And I've never printed any of my photos larger than 8x10. I'd like to print this one a bit larger. As I said though I want to spend some time with it first, then see how it prints before I decide what to do with it. Who knows, maybe I'll start doing more printing and more fine art-y stuff.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Pair o' Sneaks

I think I'm seeing light more. Light coming from a low angle tends to look very nice. I tried to capture this as a patch of light shown on my sneakers. My first attempt was a tad disappointing. There was too wide a dynamic range. That is, the shadows too dark, and the brights too bright. The photo looked too harsh. Now, many photographers would make an HDR, or high dynamic range image by taking a series of exposures and then combining them using some program to create an image with a high dynamic range. I've done this before. It's fine and you have a lot of control and can get some great results. But in this case I just popped up the tiny built in flash, adjusted the FE compensation (set the flash to not be as bright) and fired off this shot. The flash threw just enough light into the shadows to brighten them up a bit, so they're not totally black. Thus compressing the tonal range.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Pretty Flower

Don't over-think this one. It's a flower—a bouquet, actually. Took me all of about 2 seconds to shoot. I even shot the foreground flower dead centered too. That's generally considered a no-no. So with just a slight crop, it's much more interesting. I'm surprised at how bright the color looks mostly right out of the camera. Granted it could be brighter, but I'm just not used to seeing that come out of my camera. Though I probably haven't been shooting many vibrantly colored objects lately.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

On Pulp, Paper and Taxes

This craggy moonscape is actually an old tax form that I've had sitting under a window for at least a few months. Occasionally, a little rain would splatter in on it—eventually making the paper very textured. I lit this with a hard light at a steep angle to create a high contrast, highly textured image. You can see the edge of the paper in the bottom right corner area. I'd get rid of this if I was going to make a print or do something serious with it. I'm sure you can use your imagination here :-)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Warhol Web

What is Andy Warhol's connection to web 2.0? Well I need to do some more research into web 2.0, but I'm pretty sure it's user generated content on the web (eg. myspace, youtube, blogging etc.) Some geek comes up with a catchy way to share some information online, sets it up and then gets the public to generate all the content. So the "creator" merely builds a framework in which everyone else can express themselves. So ideally, web 2.0, in my understanding, promotes free expression. People stay on your site for its content. Content is valuable to webmasters. Some clever webmasters have figured out how to get content for free, by making it easy for the public to express itself.
Warhol did a kind of analog version of this same thing. The Factory was his YouTube. The artists, addicts and other crazies that inhabited the factory provided the content and creative energy for most of Warhol's work, at least during the better part of the 60s anyway. Many of his movies were simply those crazy people just being themselves, acting on their desires. Kind of an early form of "reality" TV.
Ok I'm spent. More on this later.

The Uninvited Wasp

I saw a pretty large wasp in between my open window and screen. I'm not sure if it's a mud wasp. It was after dark when she showed up. I wanted her to go away, as I'd be kept awake by the occasional buzzing; wondering if she'd get in. Somehow a good sized yellow jacket managed to get past the screen a while back, and I've been a bit leery of those things being in the window ever since. I tried a few things to get rid of her, but to no avail. So I figured it was time to take my daily blog photo. I guess she didn't like all the attention. She flew away—but not before I'd wrapped up my shoot.

Cereal Bowl Setup

Here's the setup for the last post, Cereal Flasher II. Now, the gory, technical details. Vivitar 285 HV diffused through a paper napkin @ 1/16 power triggered by PW camera left. Sigma 500DG Super optically slaved, 28mm zoom, at I believe 1/32 power. The light from this flash points up at a white plastic cutting board I held at an angle above the subject, in order to light the reflective surface of the spoon.