I've missed a day or two of photos. While part of the reason is just laziness, another part is a little project I'm working on. I saw an article in
The FSTOP for which the main image, the photographer explains, is a composite image of about 20 other photos. Composite images are nothing new. I've made loads of them, and seen even more. We've all seen them every time we look at a magazine ad (that's not to say
every magazine ad photo is a composite, but I'd bet at least one in every magazine is). I was planning on creating a composite image with some images I'd shot and some images I had planned to shoot in the future. However, after having taken some landscape photos in NH on a recent vacation, and then having seen the excellent composite image I mentioned earlier, I thought "hey! why don't I just use these!" I believe I've posted almost all of the component images on this blog already.
I've been working for a while on the image, and I'd say I'm about done. I'll leave you in suspense though, as I want to keep looking at it for a while—spend some quality time alone with it. I'll post it eventually and have a fairly detailed writeup about it. I'm thinking of printing it and entering it into a local art show. I almost never print any of my photos. And I've never printed any of my photos larger than 8x10. I'd like to print this one a bit larger. As I said though I want to spend some time with it first, then see how it prints before I decide what to do with it. Who knows, maybe I'll start doing more printing and more fine art-y stuff.