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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

Here's what I had for Thanksgiving dinner. Pertty innit?

Turkey in the Hole

My uncle resumed a family tradition this year, by cooking the turkey in a hole in the ground. Used some off camera flash for this one. WB is set for tungsten, which gives the flashes a cool blue look, to contrast with the warmth of the fire. It was pretty foggy that night, which helped to enhance the effect of the flash.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

What's up?

I've taken a bit of a break from shooting lately.
I've heard from a few different places that Ansel Adams said a negative is a score, but the print is the performance. I've mainly put only scores on this blog. Doing a little post production work can make a huge difference. So rather than just shooting, I've gone back into the archive and worked on some of my previous photos. Perhaps I'll post more "performances," here instead of just "scores." Yes I know it's another self portrait, what can I say? that's my most cooperative model, whose schedule fits mine perfectly.