Went to the Marthas Vineyard on Sat and look lots of cool photos. In this one I'm using the sun as a rim light. I brought my flash, but the batteries only lasted a couple shots. I gotta keep that thing charged! In this one, the flash was supposed to fire, but it didn't. I kinda like it though.
Fun Fact: the term
silhouette was named after a guy. Etienne, I believe, was his first name. He was minister of finance during the French Revolution. His favorite hobby was making shadow pictures, where one traces the outline of someone's shadow onto black paper and cuts it out. Due to his harsh taxation policies, the (now starving) people started dressing all in black, saying they were but shadows, a la Silhouette! Look it up!
See my flickr feed for more MV photos! I even geotagged them!
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